Tag: Research

  • A Gender Conscious Analysis of Relationship Dilemmas Posted on Online Forums

    This study aims to examine the effect of gender on interactions in online romantic advice forums on Reddit. Specifically, the effects of a submitter’s gender on the interactions and type of interactions their posts create. The research is based on r/AmITheAsshole and r/RelationshipAdvice posts about relationship dilemmas. This paper will address a gap in existing…

  • Alófonos y su Participación en los Cambios de las Lenguas

    Alófonos y su Participación en los Cambios de las Lenguas

    An academic research paper about allophones and their contribution to linguistic change. Written in Spanish. // Un papel sobre alófonos y su parte en cambios de las lenguas. Escribo sobre cuando y como los alófonos diferentes se convierten a fonemas separados y como este contribuye a los cambios de la lengua. Explica ejemplos modernos para…

  • Self-care in the Media

    Self-care in the Media

    Long explanatory piece about the current state of self-care in the media written for a journalism course

  • Seasonality of Death in Imperial Rome

    Seasonality of Death in Imperial Rome

    This research paper is based on and intends to be a replication of Brent D. Shaw’s article “Seasons of Death: Aspects of Mortality in Imperial Rome.”1 To do so this paper intends on collecting data about the death month of individuals from Rome between the 3rd and 8th Century CE, following a similar method to…